Check that your possessions will be covered if your vehicle is broken into. Most insurance policies for vehicles will rarely take into account the possessions that may be stolen in the case of a theft. If theft is covered on an insurance policy, many believe that this includes the possessions that are stolen, but in fact this only covers the cost of the vehicle if it is stolen, and any damages actually caused to the vehicle if a thief attempts to steal it. You may not even benefit much from having insurance against theft if your car is of a low value, as the money you will be able to claim once the excess has been deducted will not be very much at all. The best thing that you can do to ensure your vehicle is not stolen is to keep all valuables out of sight.
Make sure that you do not under quote your insurer about the value of your vehicle. Many insurance buyers do not realize that their insurer will not pay out the full value of the vehicle that is quoted on their records. The reason for this is that the value of any vehicle depreciates over time. As a vehicle is used, accrues more miles and is subject further wear and tear, the insurance company knocks of a certain amount. In the event that your vehicle needs to be written off, the insurance company will come up with a value that they feel your vehicle was worth before it became written off, and this is the amount that you will receive.
Be aware that details of all accidents that you have been involved in should be given to your insurer. Some people make the mistake of thinking that the only accidents that count are those where they were at fault. In actual fact, both the accidents that have been your fault as well as the ones that were not your fault affect the cost of your insurance policy. If the insurer has ever paid out for an accident that was not your fault, then this is classed as a non-fault claim and must be declared to your insurer.
Avoid the mistake of not giving all your personal details to your insurer. You should tell them if you are married or have children and ensure that the medical details that they have for you are correct. You can be fined for not disclosing details about yourself that could affect your insurance policy.